Building on Prevention

Content, campaigns and information portals: The AMKB's committed action against undeclared work, unfair working conditions and wage dumping in the Swiss construction industry.

About the Client: Labor Market Control for the Construction Industry (AMKB)
AMKB monitors working conditions on construction sites in the cantons of Basel-Landschaft, Basel-Stadt and Solothurn.
It thus makes an important contribution to the fight for fair working conditions. This benefits not only the employees but also the Swiss companies that adhere to the rules.
In addition, AMKB carries out important information and prevention work.

The Website as an Information Portal
At the heart of the prevention work is an information center on the website that is tailored to the needs of the target groups. Employees, companies, apprentices and private employers can find answers to their questions in the form of checklists, information sheets, tips and much more.
The AMKB also runs a FAQ section and a blog with information on its work, in-depth articles and testimonials from those affected.

Active Campaigning
In addition, AMKB actively communicates the messages to entrepreneurs and the general public.
These campaigns are played out in various formats and on numerous channels: social media, tram and bus advertising, billboards on construction sites and much more. AMKB is also present at schools and trade fairs.

Fighting Undeclared Work Together
"It needs everyone – including you!"
Under this motto, AMKB is raising awareness among the general public of the fight against undeclared work and wage dumping.
Entrepreneurs and employees in the sector take a joint stand for a fair labor market.

Undeclared Work in Private Households
Undeclared work is illegal – even in your garden!
Be it gardening, childcare or cleaning: Many domestic helpers are not employed and insured correctly.
AMKB is running a campaign to raise awareness of the correct employment of domestic help.
On the Move with Multimedia
AMKB uses LinkedIn and YouTube for multimedia communication.
Professional explanatory videos were produced for the AMKB YouTube channel. They answer the most important questions about collective employment contracts and the employment of domestic help in simple terms.
A Real Branding Kit
The AMKB branding system matches the business. The square brackets are reminiscent of building blocks. At the same time, they symbolize the gesture of two hands wrapped protectively around an object. After all, one of AMKB's core tasks is to protect the GAV.
From logos, small icons and large panels to wallpaper patterns. The modular system can be used with maximum flexibility and is highly recognizable.