Great enthusiasm, high goals and a rucksack full of experience – Fadrina Ravaioli has real estate in her blood. Now she has dared to take the step into self-employment and has taken off with Ravaioli REAL ESTATE.

Enter Ravaioli REAL ESTATE
Real estate has been with Fadrina Ravaioli all her life. Now she has founded her own company as a federally certified real estate trustee ("eidg. dipl. Immobilientreuhänderin"): Ravaioli REAL ESTATE!

"The sophisticated technical realisation of my website with all my special requests worked perfectly and the site has become a real eye-catcher. HeadStarterz put a lot of thought into me and my company to create a design that suits me perfectly."

New Player, New Brand
With this foundation, a new strong partner for all real estate related projects has entered the market. The appearance of Ravaioli REAL ESTATE is clear, trustworthy, friendly, precise and self-confident. The result is a branding with a down-to-earth elegance and bold energy.
Form-based Services "À la carte"
Ravaioli REAL ESTATE's offer is tailor-made. Anyone wishing to sell a house can put together an individual offer fitting to their specific needs from a comprehensive catalogue directly on the website.
While other real estate agents often only offer "all-in-one", clients at Ravaioli REAL ESTATE only pay for what they really need.

Perfect SEO, Maximum Lead Generation
The website is developed according to the latest standards of the Webflow community. Despite the technical complexity of the various forms and offer requests, the site achieves top marks in all categories.
The structure and architecture are specifically geared to the requirements for user guidance of the respective offers. This makes the website a real tool for virtual lead generation.

Mit dem neuen Elan zum Erfolg
Mit der Energie des neuen Branding ist Ravaioli REAL ESTATE erfolgreich unterwegs. Erste Erkenntnisse zeigen: Die Webseite funktioniert und erfüllt ihre Funktion als zentrales Element der digitalen Vermarktung. Die Kund:innen nutzen die Call-to-Actions und Formulare auf der Webseite.