Self Branding: This is us!

Übersicht von verschiedenen Kommunikationsträgern im HeadStarterz Branding. Auf schwarzem Hintergrund liegen ein gebrandeter Schreibblock, Visitenkarten, ein Flyer und ein Notizbuch mit dem HeadStarterz Imprint.

Here we show you how we found our own visual identity. And how we continue to develop it.


Finding a name was not easy. Perhaps the most difficult step in the whole process. We had a lot of ideas – especially a lot of bad ones. After some dodgy word combinations and long discussions, HeadStarterz.

Corporate Identity

Uncomplicated, authentic and focused – that's how we are. This should also be conveyed visually in our appearance.Here are a few essential elements from our style guide:

  • Logo? We did not opt for a classic word-image-mark. The HeadStarterz identity is based on a system of elements that link together and create a high recognition value.
  • HeadStarterz communicates in black and white. In doing so, we refrain from competing with our clients in terms of colour. It is our philosophy to operate from the background and to convince through good service.
  • Our identity is essentially based on a squared grid of dots. It is used to represent elements that then serve as icons. These are created by placing dots in three different sizes. At HeadStarterz we bring things together, create order, clarity and visibility. We are connecting the dots.
Schwarzer Hintergrund mit weissen Punkten in zwei verschiedenen Grössen, die in der Mitte ein Herz formen. Dazu der Schriftzug: "HeadStarterz"
Visitenkarten von HeadStarterz mit Details der Personen. Jede Visitenkarte enthält einen Teil des im Branding enthaltenen GO!-Icons. Legt man die Visitenkarten zusammen formen sie das Icon.

2024: Next Level

With the new website, we are finally taking our presence to the next level. With this overhaul, we not only wanted to modernise the design, but also optimise the page in terms of user guidance and content.

In doing so, we realised that a lot of content and wording had crept in that diluted our core messages and thus our positioning.

So we scrutinised everything, focussed on what is important for our target groups and killed off a lot of "darlings" in the process. The new website is now more direct, better structured, clearer in terms of user guidance and content.

The project descriptions and the legal marketing blog remain important pillars of the website. The blog in particular fulfils an important function in lead generation. We regularly receive enquiries from people from our target groups who have found us via a blog post.

Focus on the essentials. Less is more after all.

Foto einer Kund:in in HeadStarterz-Socken: Man sieht viele Blumen sowie die Beine und Füsse der Person, die die HeadStarterz Socken trägt.
Foto einer Kund:in in HeadStarterz-Socken: Die Person steht ohne Schuhe auf Zehenspitzen auf einer Mauer über einem Schild, auf dem "Fussweg" steht. Man sieht nur die Füsse der Person.

Never Barefoot Again!

We've been doing without business cards, Christmas cards and brochures for a while now. Instead, we have cool HeadStarterz socks – a popular gift for our customers and partners.

...and they are worn diligently! 🫶

Foto einer Kund:in in HeadStarterz-Socken: Man sieht die Füsse in HeadStarterz Socken auf einem grünen Teppich sowie ein paar Birkenstock Sandalen daneben.
Foto einer Kund:in in HeadStarterz-Socken: Die Person hat ihren rechten Fuss fotografiert und trägt weisse Reebok Sneaker über den Socken.
Vier Füsse in HeadStarterz Socken von oben fotografiert. Die Personen tragen keine Schuhe. Im Hintergrund ist ein brauner Boden erkennbar.
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