Branding Strategies for Law Firms


Jun 11, 2019 – Tobias Steinemann

Lawyers work hard on their own reputation. But law firms also need their own strong branding strategies. How can your firm better position its brand strategically? You will find answers in this post on legal branding.

Why do law firms need branding strategies?

A strong brand is an important marketing element. A strong brand enables law firms to charge higher prices, generate more leads, recruit more successfully and increasingly win projects directly - and without the detour of a beauty contest.

These goals are not new in the legal profession. But the way companies try to achieve these goals has changed. As a personal business, legal advice is still strongly tied to the lawyers of the firm. Clients appreciate the relationship of trust with their lawyer. Nevertheless, companies are rightly investing more and more in the development of the branding of the company as a whole.

Communication therefore takes place on two levels, which ideally support each other. On the one hand, there is a company brand (e.g. "Lalive", "NKF". "Homburger", "Altenburger", etc.) On the other hand - due to the above-mentioned personalized nature of legal advice - each partner and associate is also required to develop their own strong branding strategies. These components need to match, otherwise a law firm might become a field of tension.

The characteristics and statements that one associates with the company brand rub off on the individual employees. And vice versa. In the consulting industry, a brand is the sum of its reputation and visibility. What does the company stand for and how visible are these characteristics to the target group?

Ideally, the reputation and visibility of the individual employees contributes to the overall company brand and helps to strengthen it. Of course, this only works where a uniform strategy and clear communication are also implemented. As a very simple example: a corporate brand geared towards commercial law is not used very effectively if all the lawyers are predominantly active in family law.

How do law firms develop branding strategies?

Everything begins with planning

As mentioned above, a certain structuring is already advantageous at the planning level, so that in the end the branding of the company can be used effectively and efficiently. Coherent communication and structured implementation of the agreed measures are only possible where this first step has been properly thought through.

In the following we leave you with a few thoughts on possible branding strategies and measures.

Publishing - in different channels

Lawyers like to publish. In order to position oneself as an expert in a particular field, the publication of articles in professional journals is a proven means. It is also worth investing in this area at the level of the company brand. Your firm is a pool of experts. You have come together to form your expertise into a profitable offer for your clients.

Possible measures (examples):

  • Why not publish a book as a law firm in the field of professional competence, in order to convey the topic to the target group in a simple and direct way? Publishing (or reissuing) a book is an effective way to credibly convey the visibility of your own expertise.
  • Develop a must-read blog in your field of expertise. Such a blog is more than a simple diary for your lawyers. This form of publication comes very close to an online magazine. Not only it helps to position and make your brand visible as a centre of expertise, but also it helps to gain potential leads via search engines. It is worth investing here if the internal competence in this area is missing.
  • If you do not want to write yourself, the publication of a newsletter with collected information is a good idea. Such collections of relevant information, which you probably consult anyway, are also quite valuable and are suitable for appropriate positioning.

All these measures can also be implemented digitally and integrated into existing marketing activities. To be more precise: a digital strategy is of course needed for all publications. At least for the marketing/distribution of the content.

How do we at HeadStarterz solve this? In addition to this blog, we maintain other publications. For example, we have been publishing the for a good two years. This is a weekly digital publication that provides the tax community in Switzerland with the relevant tax developments in legislation and case law from the previous week.

A service that over 1,700 subscribers use and appreciate.

We also designed and technically implemented a digital publication platform for the Institute for Swiss and International Tax Law. This "Centre for Swiss and International Tax Law" sets new standards in digital communication and content presentation.

It is a system that could also be implemented in this form for the publication of contents of a law firm.

Organization of a conference in your field of law

Elaborate. Expensive. Output: Uncertain. Organizing a cool event that is subsequently well attended is not easy. We could all go to a meeting, conference, lunch lecture or networking event almost every day.

Nevertheless it is worth thinking about it. Is there a thematic niche for which there is not yet an event, but where a merger would make sense? Give your event a clear focus. Start small and look for suitable partners to make your event a success! As the organizer of such a conference, your company brand stands for a centre of expertise.

Same here: There are simple, technical solutions that make the organization of such an event much easier. Integrating these means is not complicated, but it is a great help.

Production of an (appealing) image video

We are seeing this increasingly. Many law firms have already created such videos and are thus serving the growing need for films. Users today prefer to watch. Reading is increasingly "out". A video meets the ravages of time. It also gives viewers a connection to the people behind the brand. It is therefore a chance for potential clients to get to know your firm.

But: It must be done well. Do something appealing, something cult! We also see many such image videos on the internet today, which shoot past the target and convey an image that does not reflect the brand. By the way, the time to invest in such a branding video is a good time to question one's own values and to design the film accordingly.

The Lawyers' Brands

As mentioned above, the brands of the employees also have an impact on the firm's brand. Companies should use this for their branding. The talented professionals in your firm should be visible. Every lawyer lives by marketing his or her own person and expertise. And they all have their own style and preference for how they want to approach marketing. Law firms should show their employees possibilities and ways to position themselves effectively and visibly. A company that supports its employees in developing their own brand invests significantly in its own branding!

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Branding strategies: How HeadStarterz can help!

Our core competence lies in the marketing of legal services and content. We develop successful branding strategies for law firms and individuals. In doing so, we contribute our own legal professional experience. As a client of HeadStarterz , you also benefit from our in-depth knowledge of your target groups and all other stakeholders in the legal market.

Please contact me by e-mail and we will find out together how we can support you.

We have extensive experience in the development and marketing of brands in the legal industry. We accompany firms through strategic consulting until the implementation of the measures, whether digital or analogue. We implement a lot ourselves. For everything else (e.g. graphic corporate design) we have structural partnerships. You won't even notice: At HeadStarterz you get branding from one source.