Content Marketing: Consider the Angle, not Just the Topic!

#Digital Marketing#Content

Mar 11, 2024 – Tobias Steinemann

When preparing marketing content (blog posts, webinars, LinkedIn posts, etc.), many people only think about the topic. What should we write about? But that's only the first step. Choosing the specific angle on the topic is just as important. We show you why the angle is important and how you can produce lots of exciting content from one topic.

A topic can be analysed from different angles. Approaching it from various perspectives shows your target groups that you have specific and practically relevant detailed knowledge.

How does the angle or perspective differ from the topic?

The specific angle is what makes your content interesting!

Let's say you want to communicate your expertise in the topic of "Financing in M&A Transactions" and thus strengthen your reputation in this area. You can write an article or give a presentation on this exact topic. However, this is rather generic and many people have already heard or read it umpteen times.

It is better if you think about the angle from which you want to approach the topic. For example (more options below):

  • Current trends in the financing of M&A transactions
  • Best practices in dealing with investors in the financing of M&A transactions
  • Red flags: These are the things you should avoid when financing M&A transactions
  • A comparison of the various financing options for M&A transactions
  • ...

This gives your target groups a direct idea of the benefits they can expect from your content.

However, the choice of angle is also important from an SEO perspective. A good Google ranking is now very much linked to the search intent. With the right angle, you can ensure that your content matches the search intent. This increases your chance of more visibility.

Find out more about the search intention.

How do I choose the right angle?

First, you start with your knowledge and expertise. You choose an angle that you know well and where you can contribute something valuable. In addition, you need to think about what information is interesting for your current and future clients. The aforementioned search intention plays a major role here.

What are your target groups looking for? What challenges do they face?

Here is another example: The topic of financing M&A transactions can be approached according to target groups. The perspective, search intention and challenges of investors are different from those of the companies themselves. As a lawyer, both segments may belong to your target groups. Choose your perspective on the topic accordingly!

What are the advantages of choosing a specific angle?

1) Credible Expert Status

You communicate specific, practical knowledge that is effectively relevant to your clients. Many can write a general article on the topic of "Financing in M&A Transactions".

Your content offers more! This is how you position yourself credibly as an expert.

2) Differentiation From the Masses

High-quality content is useful. It sets you apart from the crowd and is therefore a differentiator. It allows you to generate visibility and more effectively convert leads who become aware of your content into clients.

Possible Formats / Perspectives for Content

We have already described some examples of possible perspectives in the introduction. The following angles are also conceivable:

  • Definitions of terms
  • "How to" = Basic descriptions of how to solve a problem or deal with a (legal) situation
  • Checklists
  • Guidelines = Practical info on what a specific target group must observe in a specific context
  • Case studies = description of your concrete problem solution in a described case study
  • Comparisons = several solutions to a problem are compared and the advantages and disadvantages are presented
  • FAQ post = (frequently) asked, relevant questions for specific target groups are answered; write clear questions and concise answers in one post

How HeadStarterz Can Help!

We support law firms, educational institutions, trade journals and other companies in the legal market in the development and implementation of content marketing strategies. By utilizing angles in the production of marketing content, we help you and your team take content to a new business development level. Instead of simple blog posts, content becomes a functional driver in business development.