No More Uncertainty: Gain Confidence in Your Marketing
Oct 21, 2020 – Tobias Steinemann
Sometimes you can articulate the uncertainty: "Is this really working?" Other times it just doesn't feel so good. Where does this come from? And what can you do about this feeling? In the second part of this article you will find five concrete tips on how to gain more confidence in your legal marketing.
"We want more trust!"
In our work with lawyers and law firms, when formulating the project goals, we repeatedly find that many people want something above all else: trust. They want to ensure that the marketing measures they select and implement are the right ones. They strive for certainty that their investment will be used optimally.
I find this incredibly plausible!
If we are unsure, we do not implement the activities consistently. We lose patience and actually abolish meaningful measures. The result is a zigzag course. As a consequence, employees cannot follow any guidelines. They no longer follow them because they do not know what to do.
The uncertainty is increased by the prevailing pressure. Usually, law firms only commit limited time and financial resources to their marketing efforts. This creates enormous pressure to absolutely do THE RIGHT thing.
All this leads to a downward spiral: uncertainty increases, commitment decreases, successes fail to materialise, uncertainty continues to grow, and so on.
What is even worse is that this insecurity is also transferred to the outside world. There is a lack of clarity. And the hoped-for effect fizzles out completely.
Nevertheless, here are some positive conclusions that can be drawn from this:
- If you feel that you lack confidence, then you have already gained an important insight - you can do something about it and you are well on your way!
- You are not alone - you share this uncertainty with others.
- There is also an upward spiral: Where trust grows, commitment increases and with it success in communication!
How to turn the tables
The individuality of the marketing mix
Fortunately, we are not helpless and completely at the mercy of the cause. We can turn the tables on them. Marketing a brand requires an individual mix of marketing measures. This applies to company brands as well as to the personal brands of the individual lawyers. The composition of the marketing measures takes into account the specific target groups, the existing expertise and, of course, the specific competencies and interests of the people involved.
We have already discussed in another blog post how you should choose the right marketing measures. In this article you will find tips on how to proceed as well as a selection of the available measures.
What is certain is that we all want to trust our marketing mix. The path to achieving this is very individual.
How do I achieve the necessary trust?
You achieve this trust in different ways. In our work we have identified various confidence-building elements.
Method 1: "Do it with joy!"
We all need to enjoy what we do. Joy becomes commitment. Commitment leads to success and thus to more security.
Your interests and the interests of your employees are important because marketing should be fun. And it can be fun!
For example, I enjoy it when my actions lead to a result. I massively struggle if I have to generate something and know that in the end it hardly ever ends up in a meaningful place. One way to generate pleasure is to concentrate on the things I do well. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. If I know my strengths and use them, then I can achieve a great result with reasonable effort. But there are also things that are difficult for me (I won't tell you what they are here). To implement these marketing measures would cost me a lot of energy. There too, a downward spiral begins: no joy, high energy consumption, inefficiency, little commitment, etc. So let's stop that!
You like to write? Then write - and write as much as possible! You like standing in front of people? Then give lectures or record videos! Are you great at small talk? Then romp around at as many networking events as possible!
Translated to a law firm structure: Why don't law firms try much harder to get their employees excited about the marketing activities they enjoy? I think there is a lot of potential here! Anyone who needs help in getting it out of their own lawyers is welcome to call me.
Method 2: "Black on white!"
I am sometimes accused of not believing anything others say until I have heard the same statement from at least two other people. Whether this is true or not shall be judged by others :). There are critical minds. Fortunately.
I admit that I find it easier to trust something when I can understand it. I need a logical explanation.
This applies to many people, of course. Especially in the legal profession... And it also applies to trust in one's own marketing measures: Am I really sure that my own considerations or our internal ones were correct?
This question can be examined and answered. If there are doubts and uncertainties somewhere, it is worthwhile to eliminate them. This might be an investment. In return, however, the downward spiral described above can be avoided. It is worthwhile.
You have thought about a marketing mix and worked out a communication strategy? Great. You want to be sure that you have made the right considerations? Then get the confidence!
The good news is, no matter what the analysis tells you, it will always be worth it. You will always win.
- If your considerations were correct, you can put all your energy into action. You don't look back anymore and you keep on marching even if you encounter small stumbling blocks. Success then comes as if by magic.
- If you find an inconsistency in your marketing somewhere, you can correct it. The end result is a strategy that suits you and that you can rely on. Also here: After this intermediate step, with increased confidence, things will go much better.
Further confidence-building measures
If these two confidence-building strategies do not suit you, here are three more tips:
- Method 3: "Step by Step!"
No matter what you do in marketing, it is important that you define goals and continually review the effectiveness of your activities. If something does not work, you should make adjustments. With each step you gain more confidence and approach the marketing mix that suits you best. - Method 4: "Ask a friend!"
You have a person in your personal or professional environment whose opinion you value highly? Ask this person how he/she perceives you. This could be a client, a lawyer colleague or someone from your family. It should be someone who you think takes the time to let your communication work for you. Then see what comes out of it! The person's perception is consistent with what you want to communicate? Very good. You can continue to trust your strategy! But beware: don't just choose people who know you well and like to pat you on the back! - Method 5: "The extra last chance!"
You don't want to be advised? Then you should try to resist your impulse of constant strategy change a little longer. Success in marketing measures very rarely happens overnight. It takes some patience. So try to give your activities at least one additional "last chance" before you throw them overboard.
How HeadStarterz Can Help!
Trust is missing. We've seen it before. From our customers - but also from our own experience. We would be pleased to be available for a discussion on the topics discussed above.
HeadStarterz brings structure. For marketing you can trust: