Law Firm Blog: How Lawyers Effectively Blog

#Digital Marketing#SEO#Content

Sep 28, 2018 – Tobias Steinemann

Blogging is fashionable. Nowadays, it is also popular among lawyers. But writing on the Internet is not that easy.

Law firms increasingly use blogs in digital marketing

Many law firms already do so. Some even extremely successful ones. Law firm blogs are an effective and popular means of conveying content and generating attention in the market. We also rely heavily on them in our communication. We receive many inquiries from people who have previously read one of our blog posts.

Now good blogging is not so easy. And nobody has time for the creation of content anyway. Often it is not possible to effectively create exciting content. Much effort, much text, but few clicks and no effect. An effective law firm blog needs a good concept, some staying power and the right content. But that's not all: A reader-friendly and target-group-oriented presentation of the content is also helpful, as is a certain understanding of the technical functions of a blog in order to optimize the reach accordingly.

We mention it again and again: law firms and their employees are basically made for digital marketing. Online marketing works very much through content. Effective content marketing ensures that interesting content is positioned preferentially and is more likely to be found by interested target groups. Google positions the sources further ahead, from which the search engine assumes that the content provides users with relevant information. Law firm marketing fits the bill because we lawyers are already accustomed to making ourselves visible as legal experts by providing high-quality content. What was previously done exclusively through academic articles and lectures can now be implemented just as successfully in other formats in the digital space.

A detailed article on why digital marketing fits with attorney marketing is also available on our Legal Marketing Blog.

HeadStarterz offers training and workshops on blogging for lawyers

For lawyers who want to learn more about blogging, we offer a workshop on November 8, 2018 in Basel. The workshop is also aimed at lawyers who do not have access to a blog on their firm's website, but who would like to gain awareness through other channels (e.g. articles on LinkedIn). We will show you the most important things you need to know about the topic in order to start a successful law firm blog or to optimize your current blog activity. Sign up by email:

Digital Legal Marketing: How else HeadStarterz can help

Blogging is only one way of digital law firm marketing. In the legal market, marketing generally works very much through content. These are of course suitable for lawyers to demonstrate the legal expertise required by their clients.

We support companies in the development of strategic marketing concepts. In attorney marketing can be generally recorded: The contents are already available. HeadStarterz helps to cast them into the right form and then to bring the final product effectively to the target group. We help you to select the effective channels and to use them in a meaningful way.

How law firms and other companies in the legal market can develop meaningful marketing concepts is explained in our article on strategic legal marketing.