Social Media Platforms in Legal Marketing: A Comparison

#Strategy#Social Media

May 9, 2023 – Tobias Steinemann

As a lawyer, you want to focus on your core business. After all, you don't earn any money with your Facebook or LinkedIn posts. Your investment in social media should therefore be well planned. What platform are you going for? How does video marketing play into this story? We analyze the most important networks in terms of their importance for law firm marketing.

In today's digital era, marketing is critical for law firms to effectively promote their services and reach potential clients. Social media platforms offer you a unique opportunity to promote your law firm and connect with a wide audience.

In this blog post, we will analyze the importance of the most popular platforms, namely LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, comparing their advantages and disadvantages in terms of users, operation, functionalities, advertising opportunities and other important factors.

1. LinkedIn: A must in law firm marketing

LinkedIn has a predominantly business-oriented user base. The platform attracts experts, business professionals, job seekers, recruiters, and B2B prospects. The demographic makeup of LinkedIn tends toward an older audience, as many users are already in the workforce or at advanced career stages. Users tend to be well-educated, have professional experience, and have higher incomes.

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional social network and offers an excellent platform for legal marketing. Here you can target potential clients.

The user interface is professionally designed and easy to use. LinkedIn offers a number of features, including the ability to create company pages, post articles, and interact in groups. There are also effective advertising options such as Sponsored Content and InMail messages to target your message to relevant people.

The great importance of LinkedIn in law firm marketing is also due to its focus on business content. LinkedIn is the most important platform, especially for law firms that operate in the B2B sector. Here you can convince your target groups of your competencies in the long term and gain trust in your expertise.

Here you can find more information on how lawyers can acquire clients with LinkedIn.

2. Facebook: Partially relevant in legal marketing

Facebook has the broadest and most diverse user base among social media platforms. People of all ages and backgrounds are represented on Facebook. In the past, Facebook was mainly used by younger users, but in recent years the age structure has diversified. There are both young and older users who use the platform to interact with friends and family, share content and discover events. However, the trend is clear: the user base is getting older and Facebook is clearly losing ground to other networks among the very young.

Although Facebook is primarily for personal use, depending on the law firm's strategy, it can be an effective tool in legal marketing.

With a well-designed company page, you can showcase your brand and regularly share content to demonstrate your expertise. This builds trust.

The operation of Facebook is familiar to many and therefore basically simple and user-friendly. In the meantime, however, the platform has lost some of its clarity and sometimes seems like a hodgepodge of unclear content. As a law firm, you compete with a multitude of other content.

In addition to the ability to organically share content, Facebook offers extensive advertising options, including audience targeting and ad placements on various platforms such as Instagram and the Facebook Audience Network.

Facebook is used by many law firms primarily for employer branding or employee marketing. Smaller law firms or individual masks in the B2C sector in particular also benefit from the still very broad user base. They gain a lot of visibility among their private target group and thus conduct successful law firm marketing.

Here's how to use Facebook successfully in law firm marketing.

3. Instagram: Often neglected in law firm marketing

Instagram has gained popularity in recent years, especially among younger target groups. In particular, people between the ages of 18 and 34 have a strong presence on Instagram. The platform attracts people who like visually appealing content and enjoy sharing photos, videos and stories. Instagram is popular with creatives, influencers, young professionals, and brands.

With a visual focus, Instagram is well suited to creatively showcase your law firm as well as the attorneys. Instagram's user interface is intuitive and allows for easy sharing of images and short videos (as Stories or Reels).

Note: Cat videos remain high in demand, but are still not suitable for law firm marketing....

Despite its traditionally strong focus on visual content, Instagram has long since ceased to be a pure platform for designers and art lovers. All segments of the population use "Insta" for various purposes – even news portals now reach a large number of people on this channel with news and pure information.

You can use hashtags to increase your reach and target potential clients or talent. The trick is to choose the right hashtags.

Instagram also offers advertising options, such as sponsored posts and Stories ads, to target your content to relevant users.

Instagram is also often used in law firm marketing for employer branding. Law firms present the daily work routine in the law firm, show social events and present themselves as attractive employers.

4. Twitter: The uncertainty makes it complicated...

Twitter has a demographically diverse user base that spans a wide age range. The platform attracts both younger and older users. Twitter is frequently used by people interested in news, current events, trends and public discussions. It attracts both professional users and private individuals who want to share their opinions and exchange ideas with others. This makes Twitter interesting for many law firms and lawyers. When developing a marketing strategy, Twitter should at least be examined.

Twitter is characterized by its real-time communication and fast information dissemination. It allows you to share current developments and opinions and easily connect with other users. Twitter has an active user base that is often looking for short, concise information.

The platform is therefore well suited to share relevant legal news, case studies or expert opinions.

Twitter is straightforward to use, and composing tweets with limited characters requires clear and concise communication. In addition, Twitter offers promotional opportunities such as Promoted Tweets and Trends to get your message out to a wider audience.

Since the takeover by Elon Musk, the platform has been plagued by troubled times. Many functions have been announced, canceled again or are not used at all. Uncertainty about future developments makes it difficult to invest in a Twitter presence in law firm marketing with a clear conscience.

5. YouTube: The world's second largest search engine

5.1 General information

YouTube has a broad user base of all ages and interests. The platform attracts people who watch videos on a variety of topics, from entertainment to education and information to tutorials. YouTube's user base is international and includes both professional and private users.

YouTube is the leading platform for video content and is a great way to visually showcase your law firm and your expertise. With YouTube, you can create informative videos that cover legal topics, advice or case studies.

The platform is user-friendly and allows you to upload, edit and share videos. YouTube also offers the possibility to monetize your videos and generate revenue. By linking to other social media platforms, you can promote your videos on different channels and increase your reach.

5.2 The importance of YouTube for your SEO

YouTube and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) have a close connection. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and belongs to Google.

This means that your target groups are also very likely to search YouTube for solutions to problems that you can give them.

Therefore, you can use YouTube to improve your presence in Google search results and increase your visibility online. SEO has become one of the most important ongoing tasks in law firm marketing. Here are some aspects of the connection between YouTube and SEO:

Video content in search results

By creating high-quality videos and optimizing your video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords, you can position your videos in search results on both YouTube and Google. This allows users to find your video when they search for related topics.

Backlinks and social signals

YouTube videos can also build valuable backlinks when other websites or blogs link to your videos. These inbound links help strengthen your online presence and have a positive impact on your SEO ranking. In addition, social signals such as likes, comments, and shares on YouTube have a positive impact on your credibility and visibility in search engines.

Rich snippets

Google often displays so-called Rich Snippets for videos in the search results. These contain a thumbnail image of the video, the title, the rating, and a short description. By tagging your videos with structured data and providing relevant information, you increase the likelihood that Google will generate rich snippets for your videos. This increases the click-through rate and your visibility.

Dwell time and engagement

The length of time users spend on YouTube and the level of engagement also have an impact on SEO rankings. When users watch your video, see it through to the end, and interact with your content (comment, like, share), it signals to search engines that your video is relevant and engaging. This can have a positive impact on your ranking.

Content Repurposing

You can also embed your YouTube videos on your website or in blog posts. This improves the design, the user experience, and increases the likelihood that users will stay longer on your website. This can also have a positive impact on your SEO ranking.

In general, it's important to strategically optimize your YouTube videos to reap the SEO benefits. This includes researching relevant keywords, optimizing video titles and descriptions, using call-to-action elements to increase engagement, and promoting backlinks and social shares. Through a thoughtful combination of YouTube and SEO, you can maximize your online visibility (or that of your law firm) and effectively reach potential client.

6. The disadvantages of the platforms in legal marketing

When choosing the right social media platform, it is important to consider the following potential drawbacks. Not all networks are a good fit for your law firm. A sound strategy, high-quality content and targeted advertising can help overcome these disadvantages and make the most of the advantages of social media platforms in legal marketing.

6.1 LinkedIn

Although LinkedIn is a professional network, it can sometimes be difficult to reach the right audience. The platform is used by a wide range of professionals who may not necessarily be looking for legal services. In legal marketing, therefore, it's your job to manage your network and ensure that content is targeted to your audience.

6.2 Facebook

  • Because of Facebook's large user base, it can be difficult to stand out in the crowd and attract the attention of potential clients.
  • The organic reach of posts on Facebook has decreased in recent years. This means you'll probably have to run ads to get your content out to a larger audience.

6.3 Instagram

  • Instagram is a visually oriented platform. That means you need high-quality images and engaging visual content to capture users' attention. This can be a challenge for law firms. Legal services often consist of abstract concepts that are difficult to represent visually. In addition, the resources required to produce the necessary content are often invested in other marketing tasks.
  • Compared to other platforms, Instagram is geared more towards a younger audience. This means that you may not be able to reach certain age groups effectively.

6.4 Twitter

  • Due to the limited number of characters in tweets, it can be difficult to convey complex legal concepts precisely. Even simple teasers with links to further content are sometimes difficult to convey in short texts. Artificial intelligence tools can at best provide support in this respect (e.g. ChatGPT).
  • Twitter is a fast-moving platform where tweets can be quickly overlooked or overshadowed by other content. It requires constant activity to stay visible.

6.5 YouTube

  • Creating high-quality videos requires time, resources, and technical expertise. All of these factors pose high hurdles for law firms.
  • YouTube is a platform where there is a lot of different content. It is not so easy for new players on the platform to stand out in the mass of videos and attract a relevant audience.

7. Conclusion: Focus on LinkedIn

For almost all law firms, the focus in legal marketing should be on LinkedIn. It is the only platform that can really be used profitably in law firm marketing for almost all firms or individual lawyers. Based on this, other social media platforms can be integrated into the marketing strategy. It is important that the invested effort flows into the right channels. Therefore, strategic planning is worthwhile.

Those who proceed strategically save a lot of money and increase the likelihood that the goals set will be achieved.

How HeadStarterz Can Help!

The strategic marketing of law firms and the effective positioning of lawyers are our core competencies. Together with you and/or your team, we develop working concepts that give you more digital visibility. We always make sure that the concepts do not remain paper tigers. The challenges differ from project to project. In the end, it is important that you can efficiently implement communication on social media and thus achieve as many countable results as possible.

After all, you do legal marketing to grow your core business. This is not writing LinkedIn posts, but solving the problems of your clients. Contact us at any time for a no-obligation initial consultation: