Types of Social Media Skepticism: How to Still use LinkedIn

#Digital Marketing#Social Media

Jul 3, 2024 – Tobias Steinemann

Social media have become an integral part of communication. But not everyone is convinced of the benefits of these networks – for very different reasons. We analyze the skeptics, dispel prejudices and provide valuable tips.

Platforms like LinkedIn are inexpensive and offer many advantages:

  1. Your content reaches a broad audience
  2. You expand your professional network – without limits
  3. You build confidence in your competence
  4. You sharpen your personal branding – sustainably

Nevertheless, this is not a love relationship for everyone. Why is that?

What can you do to not miss out on these benefits despite your skepticism? We meet various groups of skeptics, all of whom are critical for understandable reasons. Below we describe them and give tips on how to use LinkedIn sensibly.

The Annoyed: Tired of all the Self-Promotion

It goes without saying that social media networks also offer a platform to people who are too happy to show themselves off – and contribute nothing useful in the process.

Many people are annoyed by this self-promotion and the associated shouting matches. They have the impression that only those who present themselves most aggressively are successful.

The Annoyed don't want to be part of it and believe that their activity will automatically annoy others. This is understandable, but fortunately not entirely true.

HeadStarterz tip: Don't be fooled. There are many people we like to follow on social media. You can also be successful on LinkedIn with a smart, calm and unagitated demeanor. Convince with helpful content and authenticity. Demonstrate your expertise with in-depth posts, share valuable insights and participate in relevant discussions.

Substance asserts itself and creates trust in your professional network.

The Reluctant: Fear of Exposure

There are many people who feel uncomfortable exposing themselves.

They are therefore also naturally reserved in social networks. In order to really benefit from social media, however, a certain level of activity is required. This is an unpleasant starting position for those who are reticent.

HeadStarterz tip: You don't have to post selfies or make provocative statements to stand out and win on LinkedIn.

Play to your strengths. What are you good at? What do you like to do?

Here, too, the following applies: You are convincing with well-founded competence. The representation of this competence is a graphic problem for which there is a solution that suits you and with which you feel comfortable. There is a suitable approach to this medium for everyone. Find out what works for you and stay authentic.

The (still) Uninformed: Unclear About the Potential

Skepticism often also exists where it is unclear what social media is really useful for.

For example, many people don't believe that LinkedIn and similar networks can help them with acquisition or in their day-to-day work. Funnily enough, this often even applies to lawyers who have found us via LinkedIn and should therefore actually know that it can be used to generate business.

HeadStarterztip: Invest a little time to get to know the basics of social media. There are many ways to get started or deepen your knowledge. This clarity will quickly lead to a concept that can open professional doors for you.

The Time Management Critics: Worried About Wasting Time

A common argument against using social media is the fear of wasting valuable time. Many people are of the opinion that they would be better off investing their time in other activities. You often hear:

"My business works through personal contacts!"

HeadStarterz tip: Of course, time is limited. You can't do everything. Nobody should do without cultivating their personal network. But: LinkedIn and co. can perfectly support this activity. LinkedIn also helps with personal networking, because the person you are networking with online will have much more confidence in your expertise at the next lunch. Your exchange suddenly has a completely different quality.

Set clear goals and define how you want to use social media. Plan fixed times for your activities on these platforms and avoid scrolling aimlessly through the feeds. Use tools and functions that help you to manage your time efficiently. With a structured approach, you will soon see LinkedIn as an asset – and no longer as a waste of time.

The Thrifty: Costs Concerns

The fear that the use of social media could be associated with high costs is also omnipresent. Lawyers lose billable time, the creation of graphic elements costs money, premium memberships are expensive, etc. These people are worried that they will have to invest a lot of money to be successful on platforms like LinkedIn.

HeadStarterz tip: Social media actually offers some of the greatest return on investment of all legal marketing activities.

It is possible to use social media effectively without spending a fortune.

Many useful functions are available free of charge. Wait to invest in a premium service until you have mastered the basic offerings perfectly. If you pay for LinkedIn advertising or a membership, set yourself a budget and regularly evaluate the return on your investment. Often, well-planned, small investments in targeted advertising or professional content are sufficient to achieve significant success.


Social media is a powerful tool that can offer enormous benefits when used correctly. However, it is understandable that not everyone is immediately convinced of the possibilities. However, for the Annoyed, the Reluctant, the Uninformed and everyone else, there are suitable strategies for overcoming skepticism and getting the most out of these platforms.

No matter where you stand, remember: it's not about shouting particularly loudly or always being the center of attention.

With authenticity, competence and a clear strategy, you can also be successful on social networks. Take the time to find the right approach for you and don't be discouraged by self-absorbed and shouty people. Social media offers everyone the opportunity to present themselves and their strengths – use this chance!