Swiss Law Firms on LinkedIn in 2024

#Social Media#Digital Marketing

Sep 12, 2024 – Tobias Steinemann, Leonard Bahc

As we do every year, in 2024 we observed how Swiss law firms are developing and behaving on LinkedIn. We analyzed the available data from the following law firms: Altenburger, Baker & McKenzie Switzerland, Bär & Karrer, Bratschi, CMS von Erlach Partners, Homburger, Kellerhals Carrard, Lalive, Lenz & Staehelin, MLL, MME, NKF, Pestalozzi, Prager Dreifuss AG, Schellenberg Wittmer, Vischer, Walder Wyss, Wenger Vieli and Wenger Plattner.

Note: Data was collected in mid-July 2024.

The following figures are therefore no longer up to date. Where reference is made to the period of one year, the 12 months prior to July 15, 2024 are meant.

Development of Follower Numbers

The number of law firms' followers has also risen sharply in the last 12 months. After four law firms had already exceeded the 10,000 LinkedIn follower mark in last year's LinkedIn study, two more have now joined them this year: Walder Wyss and Homburger. The big four from last year (LALIVE, Schellenberg Wittmer, Lenz & Staehelin and Bär & Karrer) all already have more than 12,000 LinkedIn followers.

The ranking of Swiss law firms by follower numbers on LinkedIn has hardly changed in the last two years. The leading law firms continue to maintain their top positions. Here are the top 5:

  1. LALIVE – 12'797
  2. Schellenberg Wittmer – 12'231
  3. Lenz & Staehelin – 12'209
  4. Bär & Karrer – 12'008
  5. Walder Wyss – 10'246

While some law firms recorded a slight increase, the gaps between the top positions shifted only minimally. This shows how important LinkedIn has become for all the law firms surveyed.

Here are some other highlights:

  • The law firms surveyed gained an average of 1,500 followers.
  • The largest increase was achieved by Homburger with an increase of (+2,751), followed by Bär & Karrer, Lenz & Staehelin and Kellerhals Carrard.
  • On average, the increase in followers is +21.86% compared to the previous year.

Review: Here you can find the LinkedIn analysis of law firms 2023.

Frequency of Posts

2024 also shows that Swiss law firms use LinkedIn to varying degrees. In the 12 months prior to our data collection, law firms published an average of 162 posts. That is a total of 3,081 posts (2023: 2,895 posts). The trend therefore continues to point upwards.

Even though activity has increased compared to the previous year, different strategies can be identified. It is interesting to note that eight law firms have reduced the frequency of posts compared to the previous year.

A change in strategy? More focus? It's difficult to judge from a distance.

The most frequent poster this year is MME with 321 posts. In 2023, Walder Wyss was still the most active law firm with 259 posts. At the other end of the scale, we again find LALIVE with 39 posts in 12 months. The law firm remains true to its strategy. As is well known, LALIVE had already distinguished itself in previous years through comparatively low activity (with great effect).

The range in terms of frequency has therefore grown again and is now almost 1:10.

Generated Engagement

Engagement includes all interactions generated by posts on LinkedIn. This includes likes, comments, shares and re-posts.

Over the last 12 months, the law firms surveyed have collectively generated an impressive 144,304 reactions, comments and shares. This corresponds to an average of 7,595 per law firm.

Each received over 10,000 reactions to their posts:

  • 13'780: MLL
  • 11'674: Homburger
  • 11'620: Bär & Karrer
  • 11'415: Kellerhals Carrard
  • 11'168: Schellenberg Wittmer 

Linkedin often proclaims that posting frequency influences engagement. 

And of course: law firms that post more frequently receive more responses overall. However, if you look at the engagement per post, i.e. the number of reactions per post, a different picture emerges.

LALIVE collected over 197 reactions per post.

This is also an absolute record this year. The average value for engagement/post is just under 54 reactions per post. That is just 27% of what LALIVE achieves. Homburger achieves the second-highest value with a good 104 reactions per LinkedIn post. That is also a strong figure.

Employees on LinkedIn

After we recorded a significant increase of 47% in the number of employees registered on LinkedIn in 2023, the increase was significantly lower this year.

On average, the employees registered on LinkedIn in the law firm's company profiles increased by a good 5%. It cannot be assumed that law firms have grown at such a slower rate this year. It is more likely that law firms have integrated LinkedIn better in recent years and encouraged their employees to register on LinkedIn.

The know-how and awareness of the importance of social media, especially LinkedIn, has also increased significantly among lawyers. This is also a clear sign that LinkedIn will continue to play a decisive role in lawyer marketing in the coming years.

Questions About LinkedIn?

At HeadStarterz, we support law firms and individual lawyers in dealing with social media. We develop modern communication concepts that help you become visible in the digital environment. This gives your target groups the opportunity to gain confidence in your expertise.