LinkedIn: The 2023 Analysis of Swiss Law Firms
Sep 20, 2023 – Tobias Steinemann, Leonard Bahc
As every year: We took a look at the major Swiss law firms on LinkedIn in the summer of 2023. Are there any new trends? How do the law firms use the social media platform compared to previous years? In this article, you'll find the answers.
Number of LinkedIn Followers
On August 2, 2023, we noted that the first three law firms had broken the barrier of 10,000 LinkedIn followers: Lalive, Schellenberg Wittmer and Lenz Staehelin. Since then, Bär & Karrer has also managed to do the same. So the Swiss law firm landscape now knows a club of four in this sphere. The next member is likely to be Walder Wyss. As last year, the law firm is in 5th place in terms of the number of LinkedIn followers.
While we have repeatedly noted shifts in the rankings in recent years, this year it was striking that there were hardly any changes. Only a few law firms were able to gain a place – to the disadvantage of their competitors. The ranking seems to be relatively consolidated for the moment.
Here are a few figures on the period considered:
- The 18 firms saw a total increase of 21,879 followers over the 12 months considered.
- On average, that's just over 1,215 additional followers per firm.
- Homburger (+1,949) was particularly successful, followed by Walder Wyss, Lenz Staehelin, Bär & Karrer and Kellerhals Carrard.
- On average, followers at law firms have grown by 27.2%.
- The range of percentage increase between our 2022 and 2023 measurement is from +15.26% to +55.55%. Altenburger achieved this peak value for the percentage increase.
In our opinion, the figures again clearly demonstrate the great importance of LinkedIn in law firm marketing. The large law firms have recognized this and are investing in LinkedIn.
Post Frequency
Even though law firms have recognized the importance of LinkedIn, they differ in how they use the platform. As was the case last year, the 2023 analysis also shows different strategies.
But first things first: Law firms published an average of 159 posts on LinkedIn in the 12 months prior to our measurement (2022: 144). That's a total of 2,862 posts (2022: 2,596). So LinkedIn activity continues to increase. Only 5 law firms posted less than a year ago.
As noted last summer: The fewest posts in 2023 again came from Lalive (36 posts in 12 months). At the other end of the scale is Walder Wyss (259 posts in 12 months). The different strategies are clearly visible here. Even beyond the 12-month period, our analysis in past years shows that law firms often remain true to their concepts.
Strategies should be reviewed from time to time, but must be pursued consistently. Whether a lot has been posted or little: There is no general "right" or "wrong". What is important is a functioning overall concept!
Generated Engagement
The term engagement includes all interactions generated by the law firms' posts. This therefore includes not only likes, but also comments, shares and re-posts.
Likes lead to more reach. We know this from social media platforms by now. Should we therefore do everything for more likes? We have a clear opinion on this:
Why Likes on LinkedIn aren't everything: The "double tap trap" for more reach
In the 12 months prior to August 2, 2023, the law firms included generated a whopping 121,940 reactions, comments, and shares. That's an average engagement of 6,774 per law firm. For three law firms, we noted an engagement of over 10,000:
- Schellenberg Wittmer
- Walder Wyss
What's interesting is the interplay of the overall engagement and frequency strategies followed. Of course, more posts result in more responses, i.e. more overall engagement. Law firms with higher LinkedIn frequency therefore tend to generate more engagement.
But if you put the engagement in relation to the number of posts, the following picture emerges:
- The range in average engagement per post is from 130.69 to 14.92.
- The top value is again achieved by Lalive. The firm thus generates an average of over 130 likes, shares and comments per post.
- Once again, this is by far the top result this year. The second highest engagement per post was achieved by Homburger (86.83).
- Across all law firms, the average is just under 48 reactions per LinkedIn post.
Number of Employees on LinkedIn
How does the size of the law firm relate to activity on LinkedIn?
Large law firms with many employees have a slight advantage. They can already generate their own engagement and thus additional reach through their lawyers.
We have taken the number of employees registered with the company on LinkedIn as a reference figure here. It is clear to us that this figure on LinkedIn does not correspond to reality: not all employees have a LinkedIn account, for example, and not all former employees have already deleted their affiliation with the firm on LinkedIn. The following statements should therefore be read from this point of view.
Why many lawyers are still critical of LinkedIn: The types of social media skepticism and how to overcome them.
It is noteworthy that the number of employees registered on LinkedIn with the law firms' company profiles has increased significantly. While in 2022 we recorded an average of 140 employees, as of August 2, 2023, the average was 213. On average, the headcounts registered on LinkedIn have grown by about 50%.
We also read from this that the importance of LinkedIn for the personal marketing of lawyers continues to increase. Law firms are also taking advantage of this potential and involving their employees in the firm's marketing.
If we now put the number of followers of the law firm in relation to the employees registered on the company account (followers/employees), the following picture emerges:
- At Baker McKenzie, there are more than 80 LinkedIn followers for every registered lawyer. That is the top value in this ranking.
- At the other end of the ranking is a large law firm with 17.7 followers per employee.
- The average value in the follower/employee category is 32.33.
How HeadStarterz Can Help!
Where does your firm stand in these areas?
As we do every year, we hope these numbers from the legal industry will help you rank your own LinkedIn activity. HeadStarterz is happy to assist with analysis as well as the development of effective, actionable LinkedIn strategies.